Writing a good essay
My Life Essay Samples
Monday, August 24, 2020
A rough Man essays
A harsh Man expositions Harsh, fiery, hot-tempered and rich is the thing that Mark Twain grew up to be. Brought into the world 1835 in Missouri, Florida he generally did what he expected to with the goal for him to arrive at his objective. Despite the fact that he dropped out of school at twelve years old, when his dad kicked the bucket, he achieved various things. Imprint started composing when he accepted the position of a columnist. The story 'The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County' was his first achievement. After an excursion by vessel to Palestine, he composed The Innocents Abroad. As his composing profession bloomed, he additionally got effective as a speaker. In 1870 got hitched, and a couple of years after the fact he and his better half settled in Hartford, Connecticut. Huckleberry Finn is Twain's showstopper, for its utilization of the splendid character and depictions, indicating the cleverness of man's brutality to man. He additionally composed The Gilded Age, 1873, Old Times on the Mississippi, 1875, The Prince and the Pauper, 1882, Life on the Mississippi, 1883, Pudd'n-head Wilson, 1894, and Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, 1896. His later works, for example, The Mysterious Stranger, unpublished until 1916, are not as interesting and all the more demoralizing. He is known as one of America's best and most trademark scholars. 1872 is the year when Roughing It was composed. This book was only an individual story and not a history to hotshot, nor a mindful editorial. It's a record of quite a long while of energizing relocation, and it's aim to help the peruser instead of to hurt him with truth, or fill him with science. In this book there is loads of data about scenes that occurred in the Wild West. There is stories in this book have never been told and just been found in the journalists own eyes. There is a lot of data in this book and the essayist himself says this book can not be helped, yet Twain was never precisely stressed over giving his books an aesthetic system. The data that he composed came out of him normally. He wanted to wr... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example As uncovered, Bill Gates’ humanitarian pushes stretches out to his applying ideas of CSR in his associations; including the foundation of Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation. Actually, Steve Jobs’ central purpose was centered around thinking of creative thoughts on Apple’s items and little accentuation in applying CSR was exemplified. The distinctions in goals and methods of reasoning on CSR as displayed by Apple and Microsoft really uncovered conflicting ends with that upheld by the idea. It was uncovered from the ideas introduced in class about CSR that the advantages of associations for putting resources into CSR include: client unwaveringness, workforce fulfillment, network support, and showing a superior corporate picture. From the encounters of both Apple and Microsoft, it was befuddling to understand that in spite of Microsoft’s use of CSR, the association was outperformed by Apple (the association that has not put resources into CSR) in term of initiative, ubiquity, and money related returns. In investigating the relative pushes of every association with respect to putting resources into CSR, one really expected that the association that suitably put resources into CSR should show more noteworthy prominence and monetary returns. Be that as it may, from the experience and from the data uncovered in the video, the contrary impact was noted. It was in this way presumed contrasting one with the other as far as their interest in CSR could be lacking to approve that this factor alone was contributory to the money related achievement of Apple. From the viewpoints of the proprietors, it deciding variable was that the speculation and utilization of CSR had been instrumental to the sentiment of satisfaction that Bill and Melinda Gates have encountered. Their primary purpose for Microsoft was not just to create money related returns, nor to extend a positive corporate picture. For Bill and Melinda Gates, the self-completion
Friday, July 17, 2020
Satirical Essay Sample on Drugs
Satirical Essay Sample on Drugs Why are drugs illegal? It is very hard for me to understand why the government doesn’t want to legalize them. Selling and buying of drugs are illegal. Apart from this, every year the United States spend thousands of dollars on fighting with the drugs, drugs dealers and people addicted to drugs. However, all of the actions provided by the government don’t help. There is always someone, who want to get a big sum of money on selling drugs, and there are always people ready to buy them. For this reason, legalization of drugs can bring a lot of good things, and it is essential to take into consideration them when deciding next time how to solve the drug problem. I think that a great number of people will agree that this would be a great decision. First of all, it essential to understand that selling of drugs is a lucrative business. According to the latest statistics, about six million dollars a year are got from the drug business. Yet, until this business is illegal, the country wont get anything. It is possible to use drug selling to develop the country’s economy. It is also possible to use the money earned thanks to drugs for education, for help struggling people, and for other very important things. It is even hard to imagine how developed the country will become thanks to the law that legalizes drugs. Small business also can take much benefit out of this. If the number of addicted people increases, the amount of money earned from the rehabilitation will also increase. The second reason, why drug selling should be legalized is crimes. It is a well-known fact that people, who are looking for a new dose, can do anything to get it. They can steal things to sell them, or even kill someone in order to take their money. If to legalize drugs, it will be possible to take under control, such people. If to give them some simple jobs and pay them with the drugs, there will be fewer crimes, and ordinary people will be able to feel themselves safer. Drug dealers won’t need to threaten, beat and even kill people for not paying money for the drugs. Famous people, who also like to indulge themselves with some drugs, won’t need to worry about law and mass media. Children won’t hide such things from their parents, and it will be easier to help them. The third reason, why legalization of drugs is a good idea, is control. It is much easier to control the citizens when they are addicted to something. They can’t think about anything else than drugs, which means that it is just necessary to supply people with them regularly to control the situation. There will be enough money to make the army and police better. It will be possible to hire more people and buy new techniques that will help to investigate crimes. This also can guarantee the better control over the citizens. As a result, the country will become safer, than it is now. Some people can state that legalization of the drugs will lead the country to the crisis and chaos, but they are wrong. If to take the situation under control, is possible to get much benefit out of it. First of all, it will be useful for the government. It will help to develop the country’s economy and decrease the number of crimes. Yet, the ordinary people also will get a lot of the benefits from the drug legalization. Don’t they want to live in a safe place? Don’ they want to know for sure what is going on around them and know how to deal with this? To legalize drug is necessary if the government wants to control the country and be confident that it is on the right path.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Federal Constitution Essay - 1186 Words
The simple turn of a century from the late 1700s to the 1800s brought about drastic change in regard to the United States government. Not only had the rebellious colonies overthrown the oppressive rule of their mother country Britain, but they had already begun to establish their own political domain. Within this realm of the newly founded democracy were two conflicting parties. On one side was the Jeffersonian Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson himself and later on by James Madison. Those who composed this legislative faction tended to believe in strong state governments, a feeble central government, and a rigid interpretation of the constitution. Opposing the Jeffersonian Republicans were the Federalists of America. The federalists†¦show more content†¦(Document A) Jeffersonian Republicans believed they were campaigning for the best interests of the American people. They supported a strong state government rather than a powerful central government because the states were closer to their people. The state governments knew best how to regulate its own people. Within the Constitution it says the central government of America must stay out of religious affairs and other state issues of that sort such as building roads and canals (Document H). Therefore, by acting in the peoples interests, the Jeffersonian Republicans were compelled to strictly follow the Constitution. Document B illustrates this. Certainly no power to prescribe any religious exercise, or to assume authority in religious discipline, has been delegated to the general {federal} government. It must then rest with the states. As Thomas Jeffersons presidency unraveled itself, the ideals of his fellow Jeffersonian Republicans began to evolve with the times. For example, when the Louisia na territory became available on the market for Americans to purchase in 1803, Thomas Jefferson was obligated to buy it because of the nations need to expand. In this particular act he obtained a loose interpretation of the Constitution and allowed himself to purchase the land even though he did not have congressional approval. I am certainly not anShow MoreRelatedThe Federal And Texas Constitution1143 Words  | 5 PagesThe Federal and Texas Constitution, despite both being created to outline governmental power, differ in the enforcement of the order created by focusing on entirety of the country and the individual people respectively. This is shown through the extent of control on legislative power, the issues presented in each Bill of Rights, and the overall fluidity of the document while in effect. The Constitution of the United States, signed September 17, 1787, is the basis of all government in the UnitedRead MoreThe Constitution And The Federal Government3242 Words  | 13 PagesThe Constitution was written so that the Federal Government would actually have some ability to govern unlike it had in the previous Articles of Confederation. They wished to establish a more organized justice system which under the Articles, was the States responsibility and could vary greatly from place to place. They also wanted the ability to raise an Army, to help protect its citizen’s lives and liberties. After The Revolution many of the founding fathers feared a large government and preferredRead MoreFederal Law And The U.s. Constitution Essay836 Words  | 4 Pageso U.S. Constitution Under the application of Federal Law and the U.S. Constitution it has been specifically addressed that a fetus has not been granted the rights and privileges of a person. The topic in itself is highly controversial with arguments originating on both sides of the discussion platform. Legal civil liberties have focused on the rights and privileges of the mother. Components of the U.S. Constitution that would have a direct bearing in formulating a reasonable course of action wouldRead MoreFundamental Liberties in Federal Constitution2333 Words  | 10 PagesINTRODUCTION: Fundamental liberties in Malaysia can best being referred to our own Federal Constitution (FC). It is fall into part II of the Federal Constitution. It basically refers to Malaysian liberties throughout their lives living in Malaysia. There are 9 articles regarding the fundamental in the Federal Constitution starting from articles 5 to 13. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights also recognised fundamental liberties as it stated that,all human beings are born freeRead MoreFederal Law And The United States Constitution Essay1796 Words  | 8 Pagesclaimed, this Court relies on the State Constitution and â€Å"‘advert[s] to federal law only as an aid to our analysis.’†In re Hamel, 137 N.H. 488, 490 (1993) (quoting State v. Gravel, 135 N.H. 172, 176 (1991)). Furthermore, this Court is not bound to adopt the federal analyses. State v. Ball, 124 N.H. 226, 233 (1983). This Court has the power to interpret the New Hampshire Constitution as more prote ctive of individual rights than the United States Constitution and has done so before. Ball, 124 N.H.Read MoreThe Constitution Set The Ground Work For The Federal Government1757 Words  | 8 PagesThe Constitution set the ground work for the federal government and the three branches government it is divided into. The philosophy behind the Constitution was create a government that was not too weak and not too strong but had equal power. The legislative, executive and judicial branches all serve a different purpose but play a very important role in the US government. The Judicial branch is the most important branch of government as it has the power to overrule unconstitutional laws and evaluateRead MoreThe Constitution Of The Federal Republic Of Mexico1828 Words  | 8 Pagesstructure, and power of Texas government Consequences 1824 Federal Constitution of United Mexican States Part of the Federal Republic of Mexico. Purpose is to establish independence from Spain After the war of independence that separated Mexico from Spain as an independent country and oust of Agustin I as the ruling monarch, Mexico established a federal republic Immigration and assimilation of Anglo-Americans into Mexico This constitution of United Mexican States provided for a very weak nationalRead MoreDifferences between the State and the Federal Constitution Centers1104 Words  | 4 Pagesput in place. For the federal government, however, decisions are tied more directly to what the US Constitution says or what it has been interpreted to mean, and it is very difficult to change. STATE VS FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS: It should first be noted that state constitutions contain the supreme laws of each state, mostly by detailing the limitations of authority and specific protections for maintaining individual liberty. The US constitution does this too for the federal government and providesRead MoreCommercial Law Case Study Essay922 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to the Australian Constitution, the power to make laws vested in the parliament , whilst the power to interpret laws and to judge whether they apply in individual cases, vested in the High Court and other federal courts. In fact, one of the major function of the high court is to interpret the Constitution. For instance, the High Court of Australia may rule a law to be unconstitutional, that is beyond the power of parliament to make, and therefore of no effect. Such a circumstance wouldRead MoreRule of Law in the Constitution1448 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction A ‘free society’ is a system of interaction between humans wherein every person can participate in a civilised manner and without discrimination. 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Utopia Not Possible Free Essays
If one were to ask 100 different people a subjective question, one is likely to elicit 100 different answers. This shows that everyone is different and has a wide range of views. Knowing this, one can assume that each one of their views on utopia must be equally as varied. We will write a custom essay sample on Utopia: Not Possible or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, achieving a common utopia is near impossible. A utopia is a perfect place where everyone is happy both in society and in oneself. Motivation; an element of life that gives someone the drive to achieve a certain goal. Motivation is the adrenaline rush to life without which humans cannot progress as a civilization. It allows for the betterment of society, thus gaining some common ground between people which although does not constitute a utopia, will make a majority of people happy. Achieving utopia in society is impossible, but by using utopia as a goal or as a motivation, society will grow into a happier and more utopian like place, even though it can not reach actual utopia. A society similar to a utopia is possible through America’s motivation, and due to this, we have fruitful land, both agriculturally and socially. Ignorance, the opposite of motivation, leads to a dystopia, a place or environment in which people are miserable, unhappy or uncomfortable in, instead of a utopian-like society. This shows us that ignorance will not make society happy, thus deviating from the track to societal transcendence; the metamorphosis of society into a state of well-being. Due to each person having unique wants and necessities, the scope of a utopian society, is broadened and stretched until it can no longer be perceived. This adds to the number of reasons why utopia is not possible. Motivation is quintessential to attain near utopianism; a society that takes into account everybodys general view of utopia. Without motivation, society would suffer a dystopian lifestyle. Dreamers and visionaries alike possess the fire needed for success. This fire is known to us as motivation. An essential driving force in the creation of America, motivation at it’s finest can be seen in many instances. David Brooks, a New York Times writer, shows us that America is one of the hardest working countries on this planet. â€Å"The average American works 350 hours a year  nearly 10 weeks  more than the average Western European. †(Brooks 2004). One-upping the rest of the countries, America harvests some of the hardest workers. This hard work pays off in the long run because according to Christopher Matthews, â€Å"[America] leads the world in labor productivity. †(Matthews 1). This hard work translates into society’s progress through time. The American Dream is the dream of being able to make a successful living out of nothing. This dream prevailed in both the recent and earlier years. For example, the dispersal of America. Attracted to the city life, Americans saturated many of the popular cities in America, like Pittsburgh, for example. Although this is true, over time we see a dispersal. â€Å"†¦ population of metropolitan Pittsburgh has declined by 8 percent since 1980†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Brooks 2004). This expansion resulted from the drive to explore and conquer. After quenching this thirst, Americans have seen that they are much happier in the suburbs and exurbs, shown in their productivity. These families are happy because of their success. This success is a direct result of motivated minds, minds that surpass odds which pose as threats, minds that feed off of the burning fire which incites progress, minds that envision utopia. Minds that simply do not care and are ignorant to societal problems achieve, rather, receive dystopia as opposed to utopia. Ignorance; that lack of knowledge or information. Those who are oblivious to problem solving and believe that ignoring all that is bad are considered ignorant. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Lenina Crowne visited a Savage Reservation, which was a place for Native Americans that were not â€Å"civilized. †They led normal lives, but Lenina was disgusted by it because she had no previous understanding of the world before their god like idol Henry Ford â€Å"civilized†the place. He implemented a factory line way of doing things such as conceiving babies, the term parent was alien to them. She begged for her soma which was a drug that releases stress from the consumer and makes the consumer forget about all their problems. This is ironic because the accused savages that stay on the savage reservation are not actually savage, it is in fact the â€Å"civilized†people of the World Sate (their home). They rely on drugs and ignorance to be happy. â€Å"A gramme is better than a damn. †(Huxley 89). She explicitly shows how she would much rather take drugs than face her problems. Hiding the problems instead of solving them creates a dystopia in which ignorance is key. Their soma driven society knows no problems, because stability was given in exchange for individualism. Instead of self-understanding, the humans of the World State are organized under a caste system ranging from the Alphas (highest) to the Epsilons (lowest). They rarely know solitude, but in those rare occurrences, soma quickly fills it with dreams and ignorance. Huxley satirizes utopia as a goal that is out of one’s reach by showing how ignorance and â€Å"fake†happiness is ephemeral and does not solve any real problems. George Orwell, a former student of Aldous Huxley and now famous writer, in the book 1984, mentions the Party slogan; â€Å"†¦ War is peace[,] Freedom is slavery[,] Ignorance is strength. †(Huxley 26). The people of Oceania are brainwashed to believe that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and the most shocking, ignorance is strength. Ridiculing society’s problem of blind trust, Orwell shows the reader that ignorance leads to a more Orwellian society than societal strength. There is a dearth of sleep, food, creation of ideas, procreation, and yet society ignores this and continues to believe that there is in fact an abundance of sleep, food, et cetera. Due to the society being more dystopian, we can attribute ignorance to a major role in the creation of such a dark place. David Brooks quotes a philosopher named George Santayana; â€Å"†¦ Americans doesn’t solve problems; we just leave them behind. †(Brooks 2004). Mr. Santayana is saying that Americans are ignorant and cretinous in our knowledge of the world. Not having any worldly information can lead to a withdrawal from society, removing from society’s pool of ideas, knowledge, and people that push for near-utopianism. This leads to a lack of problem solving and degradation of a society at large. A society is composed of people, people each with their own taste and outlook on everything because according to science, no two are the same. Uniquity is prevalent which means that everyones needs and wants are widely dispersed. The common ground between people is limited. â€Å" Bathroom tile is their cocaine: instead of white powder, the blow their life savings on handcrafted Italian wall covering from Waterworks. †(Brooks 2004). Instead of wasting money on drugs like other people, some people prefer bettering the finer things like, in this case, bathroom tiles or Italian wall covering. This backs up the statement, to each, their own. Due to everybody wanting different things, everybody’s utopia is different. So even if one were to set everybody in motion, society would just become even more choppy and divided. Where is the utopia now? Although self transcendence; the reconstruction of oneself into a higher being, is a huge part in creating utopia, this society has not progressed further than the selfish values it has already harvested within it’s people. To be able to implement this action into society would create a place where everyone is happy. If near-utopia was set as a common goal in society, people would come together to achieve this, creating a happy place with a lot of common ground between people. This is true in many instances, for example; war and protest. In Greensboro, North Carolina around 1939, a sit-down strike took place. The blacks protested the segregation of color in buildings. Hundreds of other black Americans came to protest this together. The amalgamation of protesters there show that common goals lead to accumulation of support and eventual achievement. Making utopia a common goal between all will result in near success; achieving something along the lines of common utopia. Reaching utopia is not pragmatic because there is a wide range of interests between humans which expands and ambiguates the concept of utopia, making it harder to reach, and also because ignorance is prevalent throughout society, making it more difficult to solve societal problems and attain true happiness as opposed to proxies of happiness i. e. Soma from Brave New World. A characteristic that Americans possess which may assist on the journey to collective happiness is our niche for working hard. If instead we were to use the idea of having a place where everyone is at peace with their surroundings as a common goal throughout society, motivation would permeate and take control. It is only instinctual to act upon something one feels passionate about. If happiness is what is being offered, then I am certain that this will evoke many people to work side by side to achieve this goal. While working side by side with people passionate about the same goal as one is, one will be happy. Hungry for more happiness, the people would continue to work at the goal, even though it is impossible. This leads to an infinite cycle in which society is constantly bettering itself, creating some type of near-utopia, but no one realizes it. Lying amidst the motivated crowd is utopia, but the minute the crowd loses motivation, the utopia vanishes. So let the idea of utopia tailgate the crowd because after all, the crowd is working towards something greater; societal transcendence, the evolvement of society into a common happy place, not perfection. This is the true utopia. How to cite Utopia: Not Possible, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Hound of the Baskervilles Argumentative Essay Example For Students
The Hound of the Baskervilles Argumentative Essay â€Å"Perhaps when a man has special knowledge and special powers like my own, it rather encourages him to seek a complex explanation when a simpler one is at hand. †This quote by Sherlock Holmes, the most famous fictional character of A.C. Doyle, describes not only Sherlock Holmes but also his creator. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was an interesting man and his writing were influenced by many things. Specifically, the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles, was influenced by Doyles family and his life experiences. Doyles aristocratic background and upbringing influences his writing by agreeing very much with Englands nobleman and commoner status quo. The family of A.C. We will write a custom essay on The Hound of the Baskervilles Argumentative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Doyle greatly influenced his novel The Hound of the Baskervilles. By having noble and even royal blood flowing through his veins, Doyle was better able to write about the noble Baskerville family. The aristocrats in the story were also portrayed as the good chracters which shows the reader Doyles opinion of the noblemen. Doyle knew about nobility and he was able to pass this personal quality onto his characters. The Baskerville family was a very respected one, especially after Sir Charles took control over Baskerville Hall. â€Å"Though Sir Charles resided at Baskerville Hall for a comparatively short period, his amiability of character and extreme generosity had won the affection and respect of all who had been brought into contact with him.†(Doyle 19) The noble Baskerville family is very likely a reflection of what Doyle thought, or knew, about his own family. Another thing that is evident in the book is Arthur Conan Doyle’s chivalrous side. The characters of Sir Henry Baskerville and Sir Charles Baskerville continually show that they are honorable men. By providing for his neighbors and friends, Sir Charles showed that he was willing to put others first and that he genuinely cared for others. The help given to Ms. Laura Lyons also shows Charles’s chivalrous side. He helped her financially after she was forced to leave her home by her father and she requested help from Charles a second time, knowing his generosity. Sir Henry continued on in the same tradition and started to refurbish the Baskerville Manor and give help to the people who needed it most. Sir Henry was also able to show his chivalrous side in another way. It was in his pursuit of Miss Stapleton that he showed his romantic side. The chivalrous and romantic Baskervilles were a mirror image of Doyle. He was raised by his mother to be chivalrous and he truly listened to what his mother said. By passing these characteristics onto his fictional characters, Doyle was able to write about something he believed in.Arthur Conan Doyle’s life experiences also influenced his novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles. As a child enrolled in boarding school, Doyle excelled in many things. Particularly, Doyle was very athletic and he did very well at many sports. The character of Sherlock Holmes demonstrates the same athletic ability as Doyle did in his boyhood years. Watson says about Holmes, â€Å"Never have I seen a man run as Holmes ran that night. †(Doyle 158) More importantly though, Doyle’s time in medical school at the University of Edinburgh and the time he spent as a doctor greatly influence this novel. The character of Dr. Mortimer shows a great deal of knowledge about medicine. He was the one who took care of Sire Charles until the last minute and diagnosed his problems. Also, Dr. Mortimer was a specialist in skulls. Throughout the novel, Mortimer shows off his knowledge at various times. The deduction skills given to Sherlock Homes and Dr. .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 , .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .postImageUrl , .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 , .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:hover , .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:visited , .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:active { border:0!important; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:active , .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63 .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7e344ba2b76e2f8bf6b33f82c63fca63:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Scientific method Essay Watson are also derived from the medical knowledge of Arthur Doyle. Holmes and Watson can figure out just about anything from a few clues. They are able to reach conclusions from examining objects and speaking with people. By examining the walking stick of Dr. Mortimer, Holmes was able to figure out where he worked, what kind of dog he owned, and why he left his job. Watson was even able to figure out that Barrymore was holding the candlelight at the window each night as a signal. The baronet and Watson found out the truth
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